Flashcards from Zookal Study

How Do Zookal Flashcards Work?

The Zookal Flashcards tool makes it simple to create personalised flashcards online, and to also browse cards created by other students and experts in a variety of subjects. This tool will come in handy whenever you want to test your knowledge of a particular topic, prepare for tests and exams, or save yourself the time you’d spend writing out flashcards manually.

When study flashcards are used properly, they are by far one of the most helpful tools for motivated learners to study and retain factual knowledge.

Keep reading to learn how flashcards work, and how you can use the Zookal Flashcards tool to study effectively. 

How Do Flashcards Help You Study?

Using study flashcards correctly encourages active recall—a study method that makes your brain create stronger neural connections to improve your memory.

The design of a flashcard – a term or question on the front side and an answer or definition on the back side – requires you to look at one side and remember the related information on the other side. This process ensures you’re actively engaged in learning, stimulates your memory, and promotes long-term retention of the information. 

When you think about the answer while looking at the front “question” side of a flashcard, you’re using active recall. In other words, rather than merely glancing at a chapter in your textbook or remembering it from a multiple choice quiz, you’re aiming to memorise the concept from scratch each time.

Active recall has been proven to strengthen the cell connections used in memory trace and recovery. Flashcards are one of the most effective techniques to create memory-enhancing recall events, since they facilitate repetition so quickly. According to some studies, active memory retrieval exercise improves information retention by up to 150% (compared to passive studying).

You can frequently revisit the flashcard questions that you find difficult to recall. That process is known as confidence-based repetition and is a proven method of building and expanding your long-term memory. When information is moved to your long-term memory, you’ll have an easier time drawing on it when you need it the most, like during a test or exam.

How Do I Use the Zookal Flashcards Tool?

Our flashcards tool is easy to use. Follow these steps and tips to get started:

  1. Create a Zookal Study account
  2. Search for existing flashcards with keywords
  3. Explore verified expert flashcards by subject
  4. Create your own flashcard decks
  5. Practice any time, anywhere, from any device

1. Create a Zookal Study account

Create a Zookal Study Account

Start by creating a Zookal Study account if you don’t have one yet. It’s a simple process, and all you’ll need is your: 

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Password 

You can also sign up for an account with Apple, Facebook, or Google.

2. Search for existing Flashcards with keywords

use keywords to search for flashcards

Once you create your Zookal Study account, you will gain access to our smart study tools dashboard. On the left-hand side of your homepage, click on Flashcards

Do you need flashcards to assess your knowledge of taxation, anatomy, criminal law, or any other topic? Type the keyword on the search bar and hit enter. We organise the flashcards for you by area of study and subjects, so you can easily search and find them by typing simple keywords or phrases.

A keyword is a term or phrase that describes the topic or concept you want to revise on or learn more about. Some keywords are applicable to different study areas; for example, algebra can be available for mathematics, computer science and programming, and physics students. To refine your search further, use the “Study Area” drop-down menu to filter the results.

3. Explore verified expert Flashcards by subject

Ready made flashcards

You can also explore and practice with the thousands of flashcards created by experts across various subjects, topics and fields of study. Scroll down on the flashcards dashboard and select your area of study, such as science, engineering, business, etc.

You can explore all the decks (files of related sets of flashcards) available for your area of study, or narrow down the results by selecting a specific subject from the drop-down menu. If there are particular decks that you want to focus on and revisit at any time, mark them as favourites by clicking the heart icon on the right-side of each deck. Labelling them as favourites will make it easier to access them from your flashcards dashboard.

4. Create your own Flashcard decks

Flashcards Deck

Creating custom flashcards decks is easy with our flashcards maker! Go to the flashcards homepage and click on the “Create” button or the “Click here to start” link. You can then:

  • Create a title for your new set of flashcards
  • Select the “Study area” of your flashcards from the dropdown menu
  • Type the card content (question or term on the front side and definition or answer on the back part)
  • Click the plus sign below the cards to include as many cards as you want in your deck

To create the most effective flashcards:

  • Try to make them shortly after learning the topic, so the question or topic is fresh in your mind
  • Write out one question, concept, or solution per card
  • Break down more complex concepts into smaller and simpler questions or terms

Click the ‘Practise’ button below the cards if you want to practise immediately with the flashcard decks you have created.

5. Practise anytime, anywhere from any device

Whether you want to use your own flashcards or the ready-to-use ones made by expert tutors, you can access them anytime and from any device. No need to carry a physical pack of cards with you everywhere you go! 

All you’ll need to do is to:

  • Double-click on a deck to open it and start practising to test and improve your memory 
  • Check the term or question on the card and click on the card whenever you need to flip it over
  • Click the ‘next’ icon to move to the next card in the deck. It’s also good to study the cards from both sides and shuffle them.

Use spaced repetition to get the most out of your flashcards practice and improve your long-term memory as you go. Spaced repetition is when you go back to the cards at specific and increasing time intervals, for instance, day one, day two, day four, day eight, etc to revise your knowledge.

If you know a friend or classmate who can benefit from a particular set of flashcards, feel free to share it with them!


One of the most efficient and productive ways to learn (and recall) vast amounts of information is to use flashcards. The Zookal Study flashcards tool makes it easy for you to explore flashcards created by experts, practise with those made by fellow students, and even build your own custom set.

Consider mixing the flashcards with our range of smart study tools to make your study, homework, and revision times easier. Check out Zookal Study to access our study resources, including homework help

You can also visit our blog and check out more study tips, helpful hints and student recommendations.

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