How to research a project

A Step By Step Guide to Writing Research Papers

As you progress through university, the essays get longer, and more in-depth analysis of the topic is expected of you. Gone are the HSC days of one or two thousand words and a few quotes from Julius Caesar. You'll be thinking deeply about topics and creating your own opinions based on the information provided. Sometimes, particularly in the humanities, you’ll be taking on the critical arguments and research papers of ...

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Study time table

How To Create a Study Timetable in 7 Easy Steps

Do you always have something you'd rather do than sit down and study? If you frequently start your study time based on how you feel (and end up playing your favourite video game or catching a show on Netflix), you'll be forced to put your social life on hold completely during busy times—like when you’re completing assignments at the last minute or cramming to prepare for exams.  Unfortunately, motivation is fleeting ...

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Time Management

10 Quick Time Management Skills For Students

Does it feel like you’re always dealing with more responsibilities and less time to complete them? You'll need to juggle multiple commitments during your student life—from studying for tests or exams, attending classes, doing homework, completing assignments, and making time for extracurriculars.  It can feel overwhelming at times, but mastering effective time management skills for students can help you:  Stay organised and on top of your commitmentsLearn more effectively Get things done on ...

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Improve concentration

Improve Concentration and Supercharge Your Brain With These Simple Tips

Finding your attention span slipping a little? Is it harder to focus than it used to be? Looking for ways to really make the most of your study? Maybe you want to improve your memory!  Uni life comes with a period of adjustment, and it’s totally normal to feel challenged as you’re working out how to balance your new work/study cycle alongside everyday life. Fortunately, because so many students have gone ...

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assignment planning steps

8 Important Assignment Writing Steps Every Student Should Know

Writing a college assignment or essay is not always an easy feat, especially if it's your first time. The good news is that you don't have to procrastinate or waste your time staring at a blank page!  We've prepared this straightforward guide to help you write high-quality assignments and score good grades in no time. 1. Check Assignment Deadline and Create a Plan Some students rush to complete assignments a few hours before ...

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study tips for students

Our Top 10 Suggestions for Improving Your Grades Faster

After exam and assessment season, it's normal to look at your test scores and feel like you could be doing better. Sometimes you’re coming up to the end of the semester and need a way to boost your average on end-of-term assignments, and sometimes you’re trying to find a way to turn those credits into distinctions. Maybe your study habits aren’t quite as robust as they used to be.  That's why ...

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App usage

12 Best Study Apps for Students

Technology is continually making it easier for students to study more effectively. This means you’ll find a range of good study apps for students that will help you achieve your specific study needs—whether you want to stay organised, take notes, record lectures, revise, brainstorm, or get assignment help.  This quick and helpful guide will point out some of the best study apps for students that will enhance your student life, and ...

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Listening to music while study

Best Music To Help You Study—Boost Your Focus and Productivity

Does the thought of studying for a test or completing assignments/homework make you anxious and stressed? Or, are you always thinking about taking a break five minutes into a study session? You are not alone! It’s common to run into roadblocks when you’re setting aside time to study, such as: Getting distracted and losing focusEncountering boring or complex topics Lacking the motivation to studyFeeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed by the workloadLosing concentrationExperiencing ...

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How to do home work quickly

How To Get Homework Done Quickly?

Mastering how to get a lot of homework done quickly means you’ll have more time for your part-time work, hobbies, extracurricular activities, and friends. But don’t just rush through your homework assignments. The goal is to understand your subject better, save time, and get excellent grades on the assignment.  This article will guide you on how to get all your homework done faster without compromising the quality of your final work.  1. ...

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exam hall

How To Be A Top Student?

You know the old saying: work smarter, not harder. When you’re studying, it makes sense to optimise your precious time and productivity to help you get the most out of each study session, right? We’ve compiled a list of killer study tips to take you to the top of the class without all the hassle and stress. Let’s take a look at some practical tips and tricks to help you with your ...

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